We accelerate your growth

Recurring revenue generation

Provides a steady stream of income without risk.

Insurance coverage for your students

Increases student retention and satisfaction with continuing and relevant education.

What does it include?


Immediate access to a platform with 10,000 micro-credentials in the most in-demand skills.

Learning Paths

Immediate access to 100 learning paths, designed to meet the specific needs of the labor market.

Unlimited Creation of New Routes

Request the creation of new learning paths and continually adapt to emerging trends.

A growing catalog of premium courses

We are constantly adding new courses created by leading companies.

Griky4Life transforms higher education with innovative applications

For students

Enrich their current curriculum by integrating virtual courses and specific micro-credentials, preparing them for the job market.

For graduates

It offers continuous updating, industry certifications and preparation for professional challenges, while maintaining the university link.

For teachers

Higher education is constantly evolving, and professors must adapt to these changes to remain relevant.

Continuing education

It provides an unlimited learning ecosystem for students in continuous programs, adapting to current needs and trends.

+30 universities already rely on Griky4Life

A risk-free collaboration model with no start-up costs

Your university receives 60% of what students pay for access to your Lifelong Learning University, ensuring a new source of income.
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