Our method

We combine an extensive network of experts with the best content providers worldwide to develop an unlimited academic portfolio, allowing each student to become the person they aspire to be.

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The power of a
network of experts

We have more than 1,000 teachers in 20 countries in Latin America, covering all areas of knowledge. Together, they have developed more than 13,000 learning units.

Alliances with top-tier content providers

We offer access to more than 11,000 high quality courses, covering a wide range of the most demanded topics in today's market.

Expand your academic portfolio

As if they were pieces of an academic puzzle, we provide you with a portfolio of courses and programs ready to offer to your students.

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Become a university of lifelong learning

Link every applicant who is interested in your university. Enroll them from the first contact to your own Lifelong Learning University™. Offer them formal education and continuing education pathways. Create a continuous cycle of learning that lasts a lifetime.

Allow your students to be what they want to be

A college degree is no longer enough. Griky offers students the ability to create a personalized job profile and earn essential certifications throughout their lives, preparing them to thrive in the dynamic future of work.

Earn the Lifelong
Learning University™ Seal.

By connecting your university, your institution will earn the recognized Lifelong Learning University™ seal, which accredits you as a leader in lifelong learning.

+40 universities already trust Griky

Discover success stories from other universities


"With the UIN+ platform that we implemented hand in hand with Griky, Universidad Insurgentes has strategically positioned itself to facilitate access to higher education in Mexico, expanding its educational offerings beyond traditional programs to include hybrid and online options."

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"The institution has redesigned the profile of its graduates, focusing on continuous updating and exploration of markets and global issues, which has significantly expanded its international projection, hand in hand with Griky, today our graduates are prepared for the demands of the future".

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el salvador

"For the university to develop 10,000 courses would have taken many years, with the alliance carried out with Griky in an average of 6 months this initiative was materialized with which we were able to expand the offer of continuing education in virtual modality."

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Hand in hand with Griky, CEIPA has integrated a Lifelong Learning ecosystem to ensure content that is always fresh and relevant. This hybrid methodology, which mixes face-to-face classes with digital resources, not only diversifies the educational experience, but also empowers students to direct their own learning with the guidance of their professors.

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